Isn’t she the cutest thing in the world?

I’m not a saint I get angry or anxious or annoyed just like every human being from time to time. Especially when she doesn’t want to eat her lunch or hold my hand when we walk home from the Childminer and she tries to run away or when she doesn’t want to wash her hands or have a meltdown just because I chose the wrong timing for nappy change or she wants snacks instead of dinner.

But then there are those moments when she is just pure happiness and joy. Or when I’m holding her while she is sleeping that’s definitely a moment when my whole universe expands in peace.

Or when I’m proud of her being so smart. Like today she tried to insert a key into our front door. Not even 19 months old. She also can open little gates with lock or pop the buckle in on her high chair. She is just amazing.

And she is definitely bilingual now. Absolutely understands English and Hungarian. Says a couple of words in Hungarian like slippers (papucs), water(víz) and kitty (cica). Perfectly well says bye bye. Then there are words like ba or ban (banana), Baby and baba. She tried auto (car) and me’ (more) or avo (avocado) .

Yeah 2018 will be the year when my daughter will start talking to us. Looking forward to it 🙂

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