If any justification ever needed

If any reasons were ever needed why it is worth for me to live (struggle) in London this moment was that.

Last Friday I passed by South Bank and saw this poster about this literature festival where Nick Cave talked. And they still had tickets. And I didn’t have a baby sitter for that night and kids under 16 were not allowed.

But a friend was kind enough to help me with a sleepover and two other kind friends came with me.

I arrived early and was enjoying the night view from Southbank balcony which is my absolute favourite place since I’m living in London.

I had a seat very far away from stage but hearing Nick Cave talking about his album Ghosteen was really moving and comforting. He lost his son who was only 15 years old. And this is a loss that really transformed his music I think. I liked his music beforehand but I simply just love his music and the talk was such a medicine.

I’ve been told too many times to process my loss. My father and my brother. But I don’t think you can process anything like that. You can just learn to live with this loss. It’s always gonna be there.

And I loved how Nick Cave talk about this loss. How he said during this talk that it’s ok to feel like that.

So listening his talk and hearing that his signing his book gave us the idea to queue up for a signature. And we were one of the hundreds of lucky one who could get to the queue in time. We waited about an hour but it was so worth it.

Obviously I was nervous and just mumbled to him “your music is such a comfort for those who lost something.” He shook my hand and looked into my eyes. “Are you one of them” and that moment was such beautiful moment. Invaluable.

And my hand went just on with the tingling like when you do a perfect kung fu form and you feel the energy flowing through you. That’s how it felt holding his hand. Something great energy just got transformed by him.

I feel stupid but I think he is an extension of God through his being, words and music. I kind of lost my faith a while ago but I do believe in the words he says: “It’s ok”

Thank you Nick Cave for existing and making music for us.